Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic (PhD) is Professor of Agricultural Engineering in the Department of Agricultural Mechanisation and Irrigation Technology (AMI), where she is working since its establishment. She has served as the Head of Department of AMI, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dean of Students and Director of International Relationships and Advancement (DIRA) and currently, as Deputy Director of WACWISA Center of Excellence in Irrigation, Drainage and Sustainable Agriculture, funded by the World Bank. She is serving University for Development Studies in these various capacities since 1995. She is currently teaching about eight (8) different undergraduate and postgraduate courses across three different Schools and Faculties (FOAFCS, Natural Resources and Engineering) and supervises numerous MPhil and PhD thesis. Her research work covers different areas related to wastewater use in agriculture, feasibility and other technical studies for irrigation projects, weather information provision to small-scale farmers using mobile devices, integration of local and technical knowledge, etc. Prof Gordana has been collaborating with many local and international partners, including World Bank, GEF, GiZ, UNU, EU, USAID, DANIDA, NORHED, JICA and many universities and research institutions across the African continent as well as world-wide. She has published numerous articles in referred journals, books, chapters in books, etc.
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gordana-Kranjac-Berisavljevic